What a week!! Haha! It was kinda crazy but overall still an amazing week! Last Monday my darling little Sister Pecht was supposed to take off to New Zealand, however we got a call from President Smith saying that the MTC just called and said that she has to wait until the next group goes in, which is Sept 2nd. So she will be with us the whole moves! I was really excited, but still felt bad for her. The poor thing just wants to go serve her mission. But she has a great attitude. The amazing/twisted thing about this whole story, is that Tuesday she started having some side pains, and come Tuesday night she was miserable and in a lot of pain. Sister Webb is a nurse and thought it might be her appendix, so she called up Sister Smith and asked what she should do. They decided she probably should get to the hospital. She ended up getting surgery at midnight! Crazy huh! She was in the hospital til Friday, then we went back and got her. She is at the Presidents house now just recovering, but will probably be back here sometime this week. So that is pretty much the biggest story I have to tell this week. I'll keep ya posted on how she is and such.
As for me, I'm doing fabulous! It was weird this week just being me and Sister Webb. But it was great. We worked hard and invited through the rain. It really is so beautiful here. I love it so much! I don't really have much else...today after we email we are going to the church. We are having a zone sports day! Woot woot! We probably won't stay very long because we are going to be the only sisters...and Elders are just awkward. Well here is my analogy for the week :)
In our apt we have some pet ants. And I love watching them run around the floor. This week I noticed an interesting correlation between them and our life. The ones that are in the middle of the floor, just run around crazily. It looks like they have no goal in life, they just run in circles and can't walk straight. I'm sure that is what we look like to Heavenly Father sometimes. Just these little ants running around in circles and getting no where with our lives. However, I noticed that the ants that walk along the side of the wall, or have some sort of "guide" can walk straight and get to their desired destination, aka our leftover food :) But that is totally our lives. Thanks to our guide, the iron rod, we are able to make it to our desired destination!! I'm so grateful for this opportunity to help my brothers and sisters here in Thailand find the iron rod!! I love being a missionary!! I'm so happy!! The church is so true!!
Fruit Stands
me and my companions!
me and Sister Pecht eating our ice cream on a hot dog bun
I bought a Germany soccer pen, and I was going to mail it home for Scott, but I figured I would keep it :)
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