Another amazing week to be a missionary!!! I hope everyone had a great week and that all is going well!! Things here are fabulous!! Do you know in the scriptures sometimes Alma or Nephi will say that a hundredth part they haven't even written. Well basically that is how I feel. I wish all of you could just see and know all of these amazing experiences! But alas, I am not mighty in this will have to do for now :)
This week we had a great Special Training from the Zone Leaders! President and Sister Smith and the Assistants came up for it too! It was on helping our investigators receive revelation through church attendance. It was real good. That is something that I've learned/grown to appreciate so much! I never realized how important it is to go to church. When we teach about the sacrament we explain how we are renewing our covenants that we made at baptism. Then I like to give an example about how as missionaries we have to go to Bangkok every three months to renew our visa or we can't go back home! And then tell them that is how it is with the sacrament. We have to go renew our "visa" to heaven or we CAN'T go back to our Father's Home. Yeah for the sacrament and yeah for church!!
At one of the big malls here in Chiang Mai there is a World Food Festival going on. We went a couple days ago and are going to go back today!! Such good food!! Well I love being a missionary! I'm so happy! The church is so true!! So love and miss you all! Thanks so much for everyone's emails!! And your love and prayers and support! I am the most blessed Sister missionary in the world!! :)
Sister Chambers
PS can I just brag about Scott for a minute :) There is an Elder Maple here, he lives by Rocky Mtn. Jr. High. When I found out he went to Fremont I asked if he knew Scott. "Scott is your little brother!!" he replied. "Sure is!!" I said. "I love that kid!!" he said. :) It just made my day to talk to someone who had nothing but good things to say about my dear baby brother!! I hope you know how much I love you Elder Chambers. I look up to you so much and I'm so proud of you!! I know that no matter where you go you leave such a great impression on people!! I hope I can be like you when I grow up someday!!
Also, Sidne he said that you were very sweet and nice to everyone too :) I told him, I know, she is my little sister :)